#OJRock #OJRock Midnight Oil

Looking for Midnight Oil
 A Crocodile Cries  Votes: 0 Played: 43
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-10-2025 05:07:44
 Armistice Day  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-20-2025 14:31:36
 Back On The Borderline  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-20-2025 16:51:40
 Beds Are Burning  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-20-2025 22:45:32
 Been Away Too Long  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
01-21-2025 10:28:43
 Blot  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
01-21-2025 12:07:08
 Blue Sky Mine  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-21-2025 17:10:23
 Bushfire  Votes: 3 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-21-2025 20:43:28
 Capricornia  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
01-22-2025 00:44:10
 Cemetry in My Mind  Votes: Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
01-23-2025 05:27:19
 Cold Cold Change  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-23-2025 07:36:43
 Comfortable Place On the Couch  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
01-23-2025 14:06:48
 Concrete  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
01-24-2025 10:28:41
 Don't Wanna Be The One  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-24-2025 17:13:37
 Dreamworld  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-24-2025 20:19:53
 Drop In the Ocean  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
01-24-2025 23:42:36
 Drums Of Heaven  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-25-2025 12:19:39
 Dust  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
01-25-2025 23:20:44
 Earth And Sun And Moon  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-26-2025 09:37:22
 Ensemble  Votes: Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
01-26-2025 15:38:49
 Feeding Frenzy  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-26-2025 21:59:13
 Forgotten Years  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-27-2025 04:43:28
 Golden Age  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
01-27-2025 08:43:39
 Hercules  Votes: 0 Played: 11
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-27-2025 10:50:03
 In The Valley  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-27-2025 16:48:55
 Is It Now?  Votes: 3 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-28-2025 02:14:10
 King Of The Mountain  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-28-2025 09:07:47
 Koala Sprint  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-29-2025 11:57:54
 Kosciusko  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-29-2025 14:35:41
 Luritja Way  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
01-29-2025 17:35:50
 Mosquito March  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
01-29-2025 23:11:22
 My Country  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-30-2025 02:36:49
 Naked Flame  Votes: 2 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-30-2025 06:16:36
 No Reaction  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
01-30-2025 09:56:12
 No Time For Games  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-30-2025 14:52:44
 Nothing Lost Nothing Gained  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
01-31-2025 15:12:02
 Now Or Never Land  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
01-31-2025 18:04:39
 Only The Strong  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
01-31-2025 22:59:25
 Outbreak Of Love  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
02-01-2025 01:13:15
 Poets & Slaves  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-01-2025 06:00:43
 Powderworks  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
02-01-2025 08:57:01
 Profiteers  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
02-01-2025 11:56:39
 Put Down That Weapon  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-01-2025 14:57:02
 Read About It  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-01-2025 21:11:33
 Redneck Wonderland  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-02-2025 02:39:07
 Renaissance Man  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
02-02-2025 07:30:17
 Return To Sender  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-02-2025 11:03:12
 Run By Night  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
02-02-2025 13:47:55
 Safety Chain Blues  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-02-2025 16:06:24
 Section 5  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
02-02-2025 19:16:58
 Seeing Is Believing  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-02-2025 22:58:10
 Ships Of Freedom  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-03-2025 00:54:53
 Short Memory  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-03-2025 07:11:21
 Sometimes  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-03-2025 13:17:33
 Stand In Line  Votes: Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Head Injuries 
02-03-2025 14:53:05
 Surfing With a Spoon  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
02-03-2025 18:51:46
 Take Me Down Easy  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
02-03-2025 22:55:36
 Tell Me The Truth  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
02-04-2025 01:11:20
 The Dead Heart  Votes: 2 Played: 23
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-04-2025 03:12:04
 The Great Gibber Plain  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-04-2025 05:18:29
 The Power And The Passion  Votes: Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-04-2025 08:29:32
 The World That I See  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-04-2025 11:44:10
 Tone Poem  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-04-2025 14:30:22
 Too Much Sunshine  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-04-2025 18:38:19
 Treaty  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-04-2025 22:14:37
 Truganini  Votes: 1 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Earth And Sun And Moon 
02-05-2025 01:34:35
 Under the Overpass  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
02-05-2025 04:55:24
 US Forces  Votes: Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-05-2025 07:50:39
 Used and Abused  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Live 1978 
02-05-2025 10:06:26
 Warakurna  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Armistice Day 
02-05-2025 11:54:48
 What Goes On  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-05-2025 13:17:36
 White Skin Black Heart  Votes: 0 Played: 42
Other Albums by  Midnight Oil 
 Redneck Wonderland 
02-05-2025 14:28:38

Fond 72 references for Midnight Oil
with 0 never been played